Apologies for such a long break after leaving you on the edge of the precipice over the impending arrival of my new website. It was indeed available shortly after my last blog but, once live, the site needed to be tested and retested to iron out any teething problems. As a creative type, I never appreciated before how much hard work goes into the backend of a computer to ensure that the front end does exactly what you want.
Those in the know have commented that a tremendous amount of work has gone into the site and I am indebted to Dean Dunn of Zimt Website Design who with endless patience has taken my midnight e-mails in his stride, taken on board my ‘tweeks’ and promptly ironed out any glitches that have presented themselves during the test phase to ensure that everything does what it says on the tin.
In fact, the most annoying delay in publicising the website has been sorting out specialist insurance for the site and business. You’d think nobody had ever set up a digital media website before! And the broker I found would not consider issuing a policy until the website was available to view. Six weeks after this, I was still waiting for them to issue my insurance whilst ignoring my e-mails so I managed to find an alternative broker, recommended by my bank adviser, who covered me within 2 days of contacting them.
And so now I am ready to let the world know: here is listenupnorth.com which has arrived not with a whimper but, as I like to think, with an understated dignity and with a presence that will steadily grow. This is a spoken word website for the discerning listener, with recordings of drama, short stories, poetry, book extracts and interviews to listen online or download. I hope that you will find perusing the website an uncomplicated and enjoyable experience and spend many happy hours listening to its content which is free. No registration is necessary, although people can subscribe if they wish to be updated on the latest content. I am looking forward to sharing with you all the recordings I have made so far with many talented writers and actors. So please support it and ensure its continuing success.