Tuesday, 01 May 2012
Greetings Listenupnortherners!
We bring you the opening chapters from Paulie's Web, the latest by seasoned writer & listenupnorth.com champion Wendy Robertson who is now publishing in e-book format. This was recorded in February in a recording studio in sub-zero temperatures so I hope you can't hear poor Wendy's teeth chattering too much!
Paulie's Web - Out a book extract written and read by Wendy Robertson
Paulie Smith comes out of prison after 6 years, her conviction overturned. As she moves around in the next few days, struggling to readjust to the scary realities of life 'on the out', she reflects on her life in prison.
Paulie's Web - Queenie & the Waterman a book extract written and read by Wendy Robertson
An extract from the Kindle e-book about one of the women that Paulie met in prison
More from Wendy Robertson previously on listenupnorth.com: Sandie Shaw & the Millionth Marvell Coooker
I also include a post-holiday podcast recorded after returning from The Cotswolds:
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